001 Decluster

The Guardian | Preethi Nallu | Beiruit, Lebanon by way of Hyderabad, India | Writer, Film-maker and Advocate | Refugees Deeply | 37.7749° N, 122.4194° W

The Guardian | Preethi Nallu | Beiruit, Lebanon by way of Hyderabad, India | Writer, Film-maker and Advocate | Refugees Deeply | 37.7749° N, 122.4194° W


Mobility has the power to connect and to alienate people and ideas.

It may seem contrary to the mobile ethos, but stay longer, experience more. Embed…

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002 Embrace Conscious Curiosity

The Voyager | Thomas van Thiel | Bali, Indonesia by way of Oslo, Norway | By The Ocean We Unite | Scientist, Sailor and Conservationist | 18.7061° N, 98.9817° E

The Voyager | Thomas van Thiel | Bali, Indonesia by way of Oslo, Norway | By The Ocean We Unite | Scientist, Sailor and Conservationist | 18.7061° N, 98.9817° E


Visualize your experience as a form of conscious curiosity.

As you embed, go deeper…consider re-examining how your daily rituals and presence impacts your surroundings and local life…

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003 Opt for Active / Shared Transport

The Reclamationist | Basil Kincaid | Labadie, Ghana by way of St. Louis, MO, USA | Artist | 38.6270° N, 90.1994° W

The Reclamationist | Basil Kincaid | Labadie, Ghana by way of St. Louis, MO, USA | Artist | 38.6270° N, 90.1994° W


Every choice we make has a demand on the planet and our ecosystem. Embrace simple changes to mobile habits that help diminish that demand…

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